Monday, January 16, 2006

Jay-z, The Blue Grotto and Capri, Italy

Mommy and Daddy on their Honeymoon in Capri... Ask us for the story about Jay-Z one day!

Ok, fine we will tell you...

Jay-Z {sansa Beyonce as the Italians would say} was docked on a yacht in the Mediterannean just off the rock beach from our hotel. In fact, he played loud music and fireworks were routinely shot off the deck of the yacht during all hours of the night. One day, his friends were hanging out in a piazza on the Island. Seeing a fellow American, I decided to approach him and say, "Whats up"... After approaching the table and saying "Hi", everyone at the table stared at me like I was from Mars...

I was really angry and said, "If you dont want people coming up to you, then perhaps you should not sit at the corner table adjacent to a busy piazza!"

I went back up to my wife and said the Ja-Rule wouldnt talk to me and Michele said, "That isnt Ja-Rule you loser, that is Jay-Z"

Jay-Z forgot soon enough b/c when we went down to the Blue Grotto for a late evening swim, his yacht pulled up and his crew jumped off and swam with us in the blue grotto!

(For those who havent been, you do not need to take a boat in to the grotto! Walk to the grotta about 15 minutes after the last boat is scheduled to go and then you can swim right in to the blue grotto. A much better experience then paying 20$ to ride in the boat!)

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