Sunday, January 15, 2006

AUNT AMBER TANZILLO and her first visit to Baltimore!

Well, maddux, when amber arrived at the airport we drove back to our house! When we arrived to park on the street, there was a man sprawled out on the ground... UNCONSCIOUS!!!! We called 911 and the ambulance came... It looked like he had been mugged... WELCOME TO BALTIMORE, "the city that reads and mugs people by our house"

Maddux, you and Aunt Amber had a great time together. She took all of these pictures of you with her digital camera. Maybe one day Amber will show you how to drink Long Island Iced teas!

Amber helped raise you while mommy and daddy went out to a fancy dinner (i let your mother supersize her dinner)! It was the first meal we ate together without you in a restaurant... We missed you, but the other people sitting next to us sure didnt!

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