Saturday, August 26, 2006

The New Arrival... Ultrasound of Baby Boy Dasenbrook #2

Well Maddux, this is the beginning of the end my man... You have been the only grandkid for almost 2 years now... WHAT A RUN!

Your days of constant attention from grandparents, aunts, uncles, and drunken strangers is almost over... what with amy about to have their kid and Mom is gonna deliver that little guy up there in November, you are in serious trouble.

Study this picture, it is you competition, i mean little brother... You are very sweet right now and give kisses to mommies belly every night and say "baby". Both mommy and daddy were the oldest children in our families and look how we turned out, I mean we still have all our teeth and other than your mother's dolphin tatoo we dont have any permanent artwork!

Maddux, mommy and daddy didnt care what we were having as long as it was a healthy baby boy...

OH YEAH, DID I MENTION ITS A BOY!!! Posted by Picasa

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