Friday, September 11, 2009

The Dasenbrook 5

Luca & Gianna

Luca holding his new baby sister!

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Maddux giving Gianna her first bath

Maddux & Gianna

Maddux loves his new baby sister! He was very gentle with Gianna...

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Maddux & Luca!

Maddux & Luca opening their presents from their new baby sister!

Maddux got Chick Hicks race cars!
Luca got a dinosaur puzzle!
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Baby G! GO Cubs

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Gianna Waving to us!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Gianna Marie!

7 # 10 oz's
18.75 inches

Mom and Gianna are doing great! More pics to follow!!!!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Maddux's First Day of Pre-K

Maddux's Wall-E backpack

"Can I push the garage door button?"

A hug for mom...

and a hug for dad

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Pre-K, Part II

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Frat Bros!

Maddux and Luca are ready for college
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Stroller Parking

Maddux decided to park cousin Bianca's stroller on top of Luca while he was sleeping
(yeah, it's a little weird he fell asleep in the dining room!)
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Cleveland's Natural History Museum

The boys climbing on Steggie II

Maddux's photo of T-Rex and Triceratops
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Lazy Sunday

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