Sunday, August 19, 2007

Maddux Bungee Jumping

Mom looks like she is having more fun that maddux!

Cleveland in May II

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Cleveland in May

Luca and Cousin Rocco
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Cleveland III

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Indians Game

The boys and cousin Rocco at Uncle Billys loge at the Indians game!
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The Lion

Maddux with his lion that he and mommy made during arts and crafts! Maddux did an awesome job he just needs to work on lining up his eyes with the holes... ROAR!!!!!!!!!!
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Maddux with choke hold #1
Luca counters with a left hook.
Maddux back to the choke hold
Kiss and make up... you 2 are brothers... just remember, if you get in a fight in high school, tell em Rocco C is your cousin!
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Luca & Maddux at the beach I

Maddux and Luca, see those casinos in the background? Well, when you have to go to a community college you can blame mommy for losing your 529 college fund to the one armed bandits!
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Driving Miss Daisy

Luca and Maddux battling over who is going to drive
Looks like Maddux has had too much to drink!
Designated Driver Luca!
Go get em boss... Daddy has to be the D.D. for mommy all the time so I know how you feel!
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