Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Patterson Park

Maddux enjoying the park with grandma and grandpa right around the corner from our house. There is a pond where Maddux likes to chase the ducks around. Have you ever seen a happier kid?

Happy Valentines Day

Bond, James Bond

The name is Dasenbrook, Maddux Dasenbrook. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Finding Nemo

There are 2 great things in Baltimore.. Camden Yards and the Baltimore Aquarium (my hospital isnt too bad either, but my boss doesnt read this website). Check out their web page:


Hey, on Friday night, kids get in free and parents are 1/2 price!

Maddux with his girlfriend Hallie (isnt she a cutie!) Maddux was wearing his new shirt from Cheryl that Maddux got for my birthday (isnt having kids great)!
We are saving right now for Hallie's dowry... both of her parents are doctors, so it shouldnt be too much!

Maddux searched hi and low for Nemo... He finally found nemo... Then daddy found Chipotle and a 6 pack of beer. What a great night!