Sunday, November 27, 2005

My favorite picture... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Maddux Dasenbrook: "Grant Park beats Patterson Park! Yeah, CHICAGO SKYLINE!" Posted by Picasa
Maddux Dasenbrook: "As soon as i get off this mat, i am gonna conquer the world, or at least eat some liquid peas!" Posted by Picasa
Maddux Dasenbrook: "Hey Mommy, did we win the race? I love my cool sweatbands! Everyone is a winner, give me a hug" Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Maddux Dasenbrook: "Swimming with Aunt Trish in August was fun! I am almost as tan as daddy"Posted by Picasa
Maddux Dasenbrook enjoying a bath.. Daddy spiked my hair! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Quite an entrance for the Maddog! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Maddux is walking! Look at the little guy go! Posted by Picasa

First Bears Game

Grandpa, Dad, and Maddux before the Bears lose to the Browns in Cleveland.

Thanks for the tickets aunt trisha!

The Dawg pound did not beat us up because Maddux is so cute! Posted by Picasa

We love Frank Lloyd Wright (contrary to popular opinion our rowhouse was not designed by Wright)

Maddux not wearing any pants, but has his vest on at Wright's masterpiece "Fallingwater"
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Maddux First Baseball Game!

Wrigley Field

Starting Pitcher: Greg Maddux!

A frigid Saturday in April... despite a strong eight-inning effort by Maddux, the bullpen blew the lead!

Maddux, who favors his left hand, should join the starting rotation in spring 2023.

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Happy Halloween Maddux! Old MacDonald had a farm!
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Maddux cheering on the Illini during the final 4! Posted by Picasa